Thursday 21 February 2013

"How Do You Create A Blog For Free"

"How Do You Create A Blog For Free"

So a lot of newbie marketers have been messaging me, asking "How Do You Create A Blog For Free" online and the answer is pretty simple and easy!

There's a few big blogging websites but I suggest you start with as it is operated and owned by Google and this should help you get ranked on the their search engine a bit faster.  First you make a G mail account at (You will have the option to make a connected YouTube and Google-Plus social profile, I Personally would connect them for a better chance of getting more sources of traffic) 

Once your E-mail Account is created you should automatically have a connected blogger account ready and waiting for you at their website. If this is not the case, click register and create your account.

"How To Create Your Own Blog For Free"

Once signed into your account, You should be able to create your own blog for free by clicking the "new blog" button at the left hand side of the screen. This is the link to your home page if you're experiencing issues . Next you click the "New Post" Button located at the left hand side and your all set to "Create Your Own Blog For Free" , Once you start to write on your blogs you will slowly develop a audience from search engines, This process can be slow, but you can speed this process up by writing about certain keywords that have low competition and a decent search rate. These keywords are usually long tailed keywords (4-5 word sentences)

"Find Long Tail Keywords Free"

If you would like to "find Long Tailed keywords free" you can use Google Ad-word's search tool free of charge.You can find it by searching Google for "keyword Tool" or on this Link.

Once at the tools page, At the left side, make sure to un-tick "Broad" as it is highly inaccurate and Tick Exact and "Phrase".
when you do this you're telling Google to do two things:

 If you tick the {exact} box you're telling Google to only show the exact searches a month of what that keyword is receiving.

 If you tick the "phrase" box  your asking how many times a month that phrase and close variations of that phrase are being searched.

When you find a number of keywords to rank for you can check how much competition there is to see if its possible to rank position one, Usually the higher the search volume the more the competition which is understandable.

If you want to start making more money online you should check out Big Idea Mastermind, One of the best marketing systems that has ever hit the internet. Click on the ad below to find out more.

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